If you've been lucky (or were canny enough!), to take advantage of the two Bank Holiday's in a row, you might have been off work for 11 days and be dreading going back tomorrow.

Let our Monday Moment take you away with this beautiful image from David Norton of the sun bathing trees in its early morning light.

Sun through trees. Photo by David Norton (rspb-images.com)

Tuesday morning doesn't seem so bad now, does it?

Get lost in some more magical moments with our online image library - RSPB Images.

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  • That indeed is a magical picture, thank you for posting it here.

  • I recorded the dawn chorus yesterday morning; it started at 4:30am. Funnily enough this was an attempt to get a better recording than I'd managed the week before, noting that, the first attempt on 27th April, the start - following the 'silence' - was 5:00am. It was half an hour earlier yesterday, after only a week! Since this does not coincide with advancing sunrise times (on 27th April the sun rose at 5:41am, on 2nd May it rose at 5:29, 12 minutes earlier). Is this because the birds are getting more competitive as each day of Spring advances to the next? Otherwise why wouldn't it be tied to impending sunrise?

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