'Don't talk with your mouth full.' And it's a lesson this fieldfare might want to take note of if he doesn't want to lose his rather juicy-looking berry!

Fieldfare eating a berry.

Fieldfares are winter visitors to the UK and a very common sight in gardens at the moment - whether you're digging yourself out of snow, or had glorious sunshine over the weekend.

You can find all sorts of wonderful winter wildlife and landscape photography on RSPB Images - our very own image library.

Get all the latest news fromYnys-hir - the home of BBC Springwatch 2011!

  • New to bird spotting we have just identified a huge flock of birds in our garden, Fieldfares.  They are absolutely beautiful and are the reason we joined RSPB today!! Looking forward to spotting more birds now we have the bug!

  • New to bird spotting we have just identified a huge flock of birds in our garden, Fieldfares.  They are absolutely beautiful and are the reason we joined RSPB today!! Looking forward to spotting more birds now we have the bug!

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