Watch out: house martin coming in to land!

This house martin is collecting damp mud to build its nest. Sadly, after all the dry weather we've had recently, these birds are now in desperate need. House martins and swifts don't have enough sticky mud to build their nests with. You can help them by leaving them some wet mud in your garden - find out more.

This picture is by Peter Cairns - I think the reflection is gorgeous. Hope you agree! You can find this and loads more fantastic nature images on our library.

  • On my friends dads farm they run the hose on the pathway where the tractors come in and out of the fields just for the swallows and house martins. See not all farmers are evil :-)

    Chris S.

    A very old Shropshire Lad.

  • On my friends dads farm they run the hose on the pathway where the tractors come in and out of the fields just for the swallows and house martins. See not all farmers are evil :-)

    Chris S.

    A very old Shropshire Lad.

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