You'd have to have been as a mad as March hare to be out in the cold over the weekend!

However, it was actually a great weekend to spot these long-legged cousins of rabbits. Glancing out of the car window, I saw several braving the open fields of snowy Cambridgeshire yesterday.

With their brown fur, they stood out easily against the backdrop of the pristine white snow. I can definitely see why mountain hares go white in winter! The crops are yet to grow high, so they were doubly conspicuous.

There weren't any handbags or punch-ups that I saw - perhaps it was too cold and the females were saving their energy. Either way, here's an image of some quintessential mad March hares to liven up your Monday. Albeit In the snow.

Brown hares boxing in snow (Image by Richard Revels -

This image is by Richard Revels and is one of thousands on RSPB images. You'd be as a mad as these hares not to check it out!

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