For today's magic moment I thought long and hard. I looked at some charismatic creatures, some bright ones and some rare ones. But they didn't do it for me today. So I decided to sing the praises of something we see regularly. Something that I know I, and maybe you too, take for granted: the humble blue tit.

Just for a minute take a look at the detail in this great image below by Tony Hamblin. This little fella looks like he's about to land, and you can see the concentration as it comes into land! The blue, yellow and white combine to make this bird look, well, stunning.

So next time you see a blue tit flitting through your garden, or landing on your feeder stop. Take a while to appreciate the beauty of nature in even one of commonest garden visitors.

Blue tit by Tony Hamblin (

This is one of thousands of wildlife snapshots shown on There's everything from blue tits to bears, badgers to brambles. Have a look today and find something to brighten up your Monday.

For more on our science, check out the RSPB Centre for Conservation Science web pages.