It seems spider season has definitely arrived. Everywhere I turn there are webs - attached to the wing mirror of our car, on the wheelie bin, and by the side of the toilet. Our eight-legged friends will only become more obvious over the next few weeks as they move inside to keep warm.

Any wispy threads you see outside at this time of year are likely to be from baby spiders (spiderlings). They climb up high and spin fine threads to use as a sail or parachute, in the hope that a breeze will take them to pastures new. Sometimes this thread gets caught on branches or the spiderling falls promptly to earth rather than flying, but if it's lucky, the wind will carry it off to a new home.

Check out more spider and web images at RSPB Images. The one above is of a garden spider with a shieldbug in its web, and was taken by Roger Tidman.