At this time of year it's difficult to spend longer than 5mins in your garden without seeing an amazing spider's web.

Every morning and evening for the last couple of weeks getting my bike into or out of my shed, I've passed a beauty. I have no idea how the industrious little dude or dudette managed to span the 3ft gap between the shed and the fence post. Quite the grand design...

It's my last week here in the web team here at The Lodge (www, not spiders), before departing for pastures new. Much like our industrious 8-legged chums, my wonderful team here work so hard building and maintaining their corner of the web. Thanks friends.

Check out RSPB Images to see more photos like this one taken here at HQ by the brilliant Andy Hay, and for more visual inspiration take a look at some of the beautiful work by our fabulous film unit.

  • I have masses in my garden too - often spanning amazing distances and seemingly held in place by only two strategic threads .

    Are these type of spider called Orb spiders ? or have I been mislead?

    Dew on the silk makes them very special indeed

  • I have masses in my garden too - often spanning amazing distances and seemingly held in place by only two strategic threads .

    Are these type of spider called Orb spiders ? or have I been mislead?

    Dew on the silk makes them very special indeed

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