How was your weekend?

Mine was pretty good. Made all the all the better for a small, brown, dumpy heron. Doesn't sound that great, does it? But when that heron is a bittern, you'll forgive me for getting a little excited, won't you?

Back in 1997 there were just 11 males counted in the whole UK. 11 in the whole UK!

Thanks to a sterling conservation effort they're back from the brink. The one I saw yesterday was happily feeding away on the edge of the reeds at Fowlmere nature reserve for around 25 minutes - the best views I've ever had. It's still a rare sight, but just the fact that 20 or so years ago this would have been nigh on impossible made me smile.

So here's a bittern image for you. OK, there's no snow around here, but I hope it makes you smile too!

Bittern walking on ice. Image by Jeroen Stel (

This is one of thousands of images from RSPB Images, our online image library. Take a look, there's bound to be something there that makes you smile!

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