Last week I got my first ever peek at a natterjack toad. My manager and I were having a catchup while strolling round the grounds here at the Lodge when she spotted some natterjack toadlets in one of the ponds.

They were tiny little creatures, who presumably hadn't long been toadlets instead of tadpoles, but the distinctive yellow stripe down their backs was clear to see. We promptly put the business of the catchup on hold so we could sit and watch them for a bit.

Natterjacks live on sandy heathland (like The Lodge), coastal dunes and coastal marshes, so you're unlikely to get them in your back garden. You can, however, try to attract common toads - for some tips, see our Giving Nature a Home pages

Sadly as natterjack toads are specially protected and you need a licence to photograph them, we didn't get any shots. So I've borrowed the one above from RSPB Images.