Happy Monday!

Autumn really seemed to arrive over the last week. Yes it's still warm in my part of the world, but the ground is covered in golden leaves, I saw my first brent geese of the autumn and fungi are popping up here, there and everywhere.

Now, I'm no fungi expert. But even I can identify this little beauty. It's almost certainly what you'd describe if asked to tell someone what a toadstool looks like. It's the mighty fly agaric. I've not seen any yet this autumn, but, just like the one in this image, they'll be popping up shortly. So keep your eyes peeled.

Why not take a photo and let us know if you see one?

Fly agaric emerging from autumnal leaves on woodland floor (Photo by Mark Sisson www.rspb-images.com).

This image is from RSPB Images. have a browse and find something that makes you feel autumnal.

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