Contrary to popular belief, moths don't only come out at night. This beauty is a hummingbird hawkmoth, a migratory species which flies during the day - and now is a great time to see one, almost anywhere.

And, appropriately enough, it's National Insect Week!

Our friends at Butterfly Conservation are running a survey at the moment, and their moth map is packed with sightings of 'hummers', from Aberdeenshire down to the Channel Islands. Have you seen one yet? Tell us about it!

(I've just seen one in the gardens at The Lodge as I was on my way to get a cup of tea!)

You can attract moths, butterflies and a whole range of other fascinating insects by growing the right flowers in your garden or on your balcony - hummingbird hawkmoths love red valerian, verbena and viper's bugloss, to name only three.

The lovely photo is by Richard Revels and is available to buy through RSPB Images, our photo library.