One of the other great autumn-winter spectacles is the sight of a seething cloud of starlings appearing in the early evening around a roosting spot, known as a murmuration

If you can't visualise what I'm talking about you might remember a Carling advert from almost ten years ago that used the gathering evening starlings as a metaphor for going out on the town with your mates.

I'm lucky enough to live near one of these roosting sites at Fen Drayton Lakes nature reserve and have been treated to this stunning site for a few evenings. See if one of our other starling roost reserves is near you.  

This picture is made all the more special because the solitary dot in the middle is a peregrine falcon. When there's a bird of prey close to a murmuration like this the flock moves in an even more extraordinary way. 

Well done to David Kjaer of for capturing this moment for us all to enjoy.