Every year, we hear about lots of weird and wonderful places that birds have decided to nest, but birds aren't the only creatures that pick what can seem odd places to build a home.
Last week, while staring out of my window at work (again!) I realised that some sort of wasp was paying particular interest in part of the window frame - going in and out of a hole carrying something.
It was fascinating stuff to watch, and only when the wasp misjudged the hole and spilt what she was carrying on the window sill could I see that it was in fact a little clump of sand.
And how do I know it was a female? Well, after several failed attempts to get a photo, I finally managed to snap a few, and track her down as the nattily named Ancistrocerus parietum, or (easier to say and remember!) as being part of the potter wasp family.
It turns out that it is the female who searches for the nest site, builds the nest and brings in food for her young - namely tasty larvae that she seals in with her eggs so that her young have something to nibble on as they grow!
And true to this description, this week, she has been carrying green caterpillars - as big as her body - into the nest.
I think it is totally amazing that this wasp not only has the ability to find the caterpillars, but that she also flies back to the nest with them. Surely, this is a feat up there with the weight that ants can carry.
I've got a new respect for these creatures, and it just goes to show that sometimes you don't have to go far to see things that are new and amazing.
I'd love to know if any of you have found nests in unusual places. Please leave me a comment below.
And, if you're interested in getting closer to your garden wildlife, if you join the RSPB before 12 July the joining gift is the RSPB Garden Handbook - perfect the next time you see something a little out of the ordinary!
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i built a blue tit box when i was 12 (this was 25 years ago)and it was used every year, but one, until it fell to bits last year.
the 1 year it wasn't used by blue tits, a solitary bee nabbed it first. it built a beautiful 1 inch diamond shaped paper nest inside with about 12 "rooms" for larvae. sadly, i never saw this marvel as my dad didn't think to keep it. he just described it on the phone.
I have seen bees going in and out of our hedge to an old birds' nest and also every Spring, we have honey type bees going in and out of a crack in the concrete drive in front of the garage. Can anyone tell me which species of bees these might be?
Sharon York
Last year we had a wasp nest in one of our blue tit boxes at the top of our garden
Inside an airbrick under our sitting-room floor. She spent several days carrying in building materials and then we spent several weeks protecting her nest from well-meaning waspkillers!
I have had a wasp type insect fill in the recesses where the screws join the two halves of of my hose pipe reel. I presume it has laid an egg/eggs in there then plugged the holes with soil/sand. I dont know what type of wasp it is. How do I send a picture?