Our Wildlife Gardening expert, Adrian Thomas, gives us a a quick run-down of how you can get beautiful flowers in garden, in just weeks! 

You'll probably have seen and enjoyed beautiful beds of annual flowers like these, which used to fill the cornfields in times gone by.

They can be excellent for pollinating insects, and so are a great way to help give nature a home, but have you tried it yourself?

Some people might think you need to be a master gardener to pull it off, but actually there's no great secret, and what's more it's cheap and easy to do.

We're coming up to the prime time to sow the seeds, so why not give it a go?

You can do it in as large or small an area as you like; a large plant pot is fine, but if you have a metre square or more of garden you can use, more wildlife is likely to find it.

Wildflowers. Image by Andy Hay (www.rspb-images.com)

Perhaps the most important thing is to ensure that you have a good 'seedbed'. That means that the soil on the surface needs to have a fine, consistent, crumbly texture.

In the garden, dig over your area, remove any weeds, and then rake the surface. In a pot, you can just fill it with a good peat-free compost.

It's then just a case of sprinkling the seeds on the surface; any time from late March is fine. Just gently firm them onto the surface, and water with a fine spray so that the seeds don't get washed away.

Keep watering in dry spells, and soon a mass of little seedlings should emerge.

You should then have a mass of flowers by mid June through until August or beyond.

When buying seeds, look for those called 'cornfield annual seeds'. The important word is 'annual' - these are flowers that grow and bloom in a season.

If you've done it already, let us know how you got on - we'd love to hear.

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