Recently, my RSS feed has been filled with examples of graffiti from around the world. I don't know why the sudden fascination in sharing these drawings on walls, but I'm not going to complain as I've seen some absolutely fantastic artwork - and much of it inspired by nature.

The first to pique my interest was news about the largest mural in the world, painted across three blocks of flats in Berlin:

Berlin: Friedrichsfelder Tor

The photo above doesn't do justice to the pure scale, detail and loveliness of this artwork and you should definitely check out these photos.

And just today, there was news that the same people responsible for this have been working with our BirdLife Partner in France (LPO) and created this brilliant artwork celebrating biodiversity.

Of course, not all graffiti has a serious message - it can be fun, too. Fancy a ride on a goldfinch, anyone?

I'd love to know if you've got any favourite bits of street art. Leave me a comment below with yours!

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