Great tit. Image by Nigel BlakeToday, I've been doing some preparation for Big Garden Birdwatch, which takes place this weekend, 26-27 January.

My masterplan involves the strategic deployment of an arsenal of bird foodstuffs. I bought some tasty fat cake which I'm hoping will pull in a great spotted woodpecker, but I'll also be using up some apples which are past their best. They could attract blackbirds and starlings, or maybe even a fieldfare or redwing.

Apart from anything else, Big Garden Birdwatch is a really good reason to scrutinise what visits your garden. I can spend hours gazing happily out of the window; this weekend, my garden birds get to do their little bit for science.

If one of our local sparrowhawks turns up at any time during my hour-long count, that could disrupt things slightly. You have to look on the bright side: it's such a great bird, I shall be only too pleased to add it to my results form.

Good luck with your Birdwatch, readers!

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