Welcome to our festive quiz! We're giving you the chance to win one of five copies of Birds - Their Hidden World. There's three rounds; general questions on yuletide plants and animals, pictures of mystery Christmas nature and finally, can you unscramble our festive anagrams? Some will be multiple choice, some not, but I hope you find it interesting. Best of luck!

Plants and animals in Christmas 

1) Because of the colour of their uniforms, which UK bird were Victorian postmen named after, resulting in card illustrations showing these birds delivering letters at Christmas?

2) Prior to the introduction of turkeys to England by French Jesuits in the 16th Century, the head of what animal was sometimes served with mustard at Christmas?

A.pig      B.frog     C.goose      D.deer

3) Reindeer have been a mascot for Christmas since the 17th century poem ‘a visit from St. Nicholas’, but what feature do both male and female reindeer have that makes this species unique among deer?

A.red noses      B.antlers      C.spotty coats      D.they can roar at the same volume

4) Mistletoe is used as decoration during Christmas. How does it grow in the wild?

A.as a tree      B.as a bush      C.as a parasite on other trees      D.in water

5) In the Twelve Days of Christmas, after the five gold rings come four colly birds (not calling birds as in some later versions), but what species are these? 

A.robin       B.song thrush      C.blackbird      D.wood-pigeon 

Can you tell what it is?

These are of things snippets all somehow linked with Christmas.







Unscramble the Christmas word. 

11) In a famous Christmas song there are two of these:


12) A part of the world associated with Christmas:


13) A rare heron formerly eaten in the Fens at this time of year:


14) A massive piece of festive of wood historically burned in open hearths:


15) A UK mammal that hibernates at this time of year:


Please clearly assign numbers to all your answers in an email. We will choose at random from the highest scorers (or perfect scorers if you get them all right!). You only get one go, so any duplicate entries will not be counted.

The rules

  • The five winners will each receive a copy of the 'Birds-Their Hidden World' (as detailed above)
  • Entries must be received by 2 January 2013 
  • Prizewinners will be drawn at random 4 January 2013
  • Winners will be notified within two weeks
  • Any entry which is incomplete, illegible or late will be deemed invalid in the sole discretion of the RSPB
  • This is open to UK residents only
  • There is no cash alternative to the competition prize
  • Prizes will be delivered within 28 days of the closing date
  • The results, winner's name and county will be published on the RSPB website
  • The Editor's decision on all matters affecting this competition is final and legally binding. No correspondence regarding the results will be entered into
  • Any  RSPB members/supporters can enter, however, RSPB staff or their immediate family, including volunteers are excluded.  
  • Any winner who has not responded to notification within 21 days will forfeit their prize; a replacement winner will be selected from the other correct entrants.
  • Entrants under the age of 18 years need to have parent or guardian consent to enter.

Email your answers to us as enews@rspb.org.uk. Best of luck and have a great Christmas!