Lennon and McCartney

Well Skye and Frisa have certainly been spending a lot of quality time together now that Heather seems to be fending for herself quite nicely.  Most days this week they have been together either sitting on the same branch or just a branch apart.  On one occasion, Skye slightly spread his wings, just touching Frisa who was sat next to him - they are such sociable birds and seem to just enjoy each others company.  On another day after a heavy bout of rain, Skye was sat on a branch with Frisa sat just above him.  They had just dried off from a shower, when the heavens opened again.  Skye looked up at Frisa and she looked down at him, as if to say "oh not again, I've only just dried off".  It was really comical.

Heather is still around but getting more and more independent and it seems mum and dad are happy to let her  explore on her own and look for food which she seems to do pretty well.  This week, we were visited by Roger and Justin the guys who do the ring tagging.  They were over to clear out the nests and in the Frisa nest found remains of greylag geese.


Skye and Frisa



  Skye above and Frisa below









 The Golden Eagles still pay us a visit as well as both the male and female hen harrier.  Our young buzzards are a delight to watch, learning how to hunt from one of the parents who is always nearby keeping an eye out.

We are putting the finishing touches to our new satellite tracking page for the two chicks that were satellite tagged this year - the names have been chosen - keep tuned and all will be revealed shortly!

Another piece of news is that the Hide is going to remain open this year through the Autumn and Winter.   We are lucky in that our birds do not migrate so you can come to Mull any time of the year and see them.  From the third week in September (beginning 21st) trips will run on Tuesday and Wednesdays, still at 10.00 and 1.00.  Anyone wishing to book a trip can do so through our friends at the Tourist Office tel 01680 812556.  Here is a link to our page http://www.rspb.org.uk/datewithnature/sites/mull/index.asp.   We are happy to accommodate visits from any birding groups throughout the autumn and winter.

I took this photo of Loch Frisa this week.  It was a beautiful still day and the water was like glass.  There is certainly an air of autumn about - the leaves are beginning to turn and it wont be long before we are treated to the stunning reds, russets and oranges as the leaves change colour.   

Loch Frisa










And finally, as soon as we know the date of the Blue Peter transmission we will of course let you know!


Debby Thorne

White Tailed Eagle Information Officer, Isle of Mull

  • Thanks as always Debby.

    Will Heather still be brought food by here parents or is she on her own completely now?

    What great pictures, lovely to see

    Hope Skye doesn't need to "go to the bathroom" without thinking about who is below.....

  • Great report Debby and the photos are lovely.

    Good to know that Heather is doing so well and getting more independant now.

    It must be wonderful, to be able to see them all year round and with the tracking, you get to know the range of the travels of the jueveniles too a big bonus!

    The relationship of Skye and Frisa is very touching the pair bond must be very deep between them....humans may have something to learn here I think :)

  • Wonderful report Debby and how nice to see Skye and Frisa, lovely photo and also the view from your window is awesome.   Sounts as though Heather is doing well although I explect Skye and Frisa still keep an eye on her.  Looking foward to the naming.


  • Wonderful report Debby and how nice to see Skye and Frisa, lovely photo and also the view from your window is awesome.   Sounts as though Heather is doing well although I explect Skye and Frisa still keep an eye on her.  Looking foward to the naming.


  • Lovely report Debby, Thank You! Aren't you glad you do not have the added trauma of waving 'Goodbye' to the eagles knowing they have to migrate as the osprey do? At least yours pop by to wave occasionally!!

    Hope they keep up a good show for the people lucky enough to visit the hide this autumn and winter.