Hello everyone, As I write this the country is under strict Government guidelines to try and prevent the spead of the Coronavrus and Covid-19, that includes all of us at the RSPB. Our reserves are now closed. We hope you are all staying safe and keeping well at home. Yet it is Spring and for nature lovers this is one of the most loveliest times of the year. If you can take a walk from home as your daily excercise have a look and see what signs of Spring are happening near you. The earliest flowers have been enjoying the sunshine over the last week with primroses, dandelions and celendines all opening up. Along with these is the occasional buzz of a single bumble bee and these early flowers are perfect source of pollen and nectar for all the emerging insects.
If you have a garden it is a great time to spend watching our garden birds getting ready to nest, pairing up, having territorial disputes and collecting nesting material. Let us know what you see by taking part in the mornings with #BreakfastBirdWatch on our social medi sites - facebook RSPB Mid Wales/RSPb Cymru and twitter RSPB Ynys_hir. Share your photos/videos of your garden wildlife or wildlife seen on your daily walk.Remember too if you need supplies of birdfood our RSPB online shop is currently still open for business.https://shopping.rspb.org.uk/
Look and listen too for our winged Spring arrivals - have you heard a chiff-chaff yet or seen a blackcap?