Sunny weather has brought a wealth of sightings today with good numbers of summer migrants filling the woods with song. Chiffchaff and blackcap had arrived a few days ago and this morning, pied flycatcher, redstart, willow warbler and tree pipit added to the morning sound. A lesser spotted woodpecker called and drummed most of the morning near the car-park with lots of visitors getting good views. On the estuary two ospreys were seen fishing with one catching a huge grey mullet and a small trickle of waders included some wonderful black-tailed godwits in their amazing reddish-bronze breeding plumage and a few dunlin and ringed plover. Our breeding lapwing are whizzing and whooshing through the air in courtship display with a few already sitting on a full clutch of eggsand teal and shoveler are busy displaying. Oh, must mention lots of brimstone, small tortoiseshell and comma enjoying the sun as I did too at lunch-time half-snoozing away enjoying the spring sounds and smells.