After working in conservation for 17-years I am in a privalaged position to enjoy nature every day, but every so often one sees something that is truely inspiring, like this morning.... Taking a short cut to work I crossed a bridge over a small ditch, a movement caught my eye and I turned to see an arched back, with a luster like wet slate, disappear beneath the floating flot grass. I knew immediately what it was- an otter! I waited, hoping I would get a second look and I was rewarded when it poked its head up through the grass, a second later another head appeared, two otter cubs within a few meters of me. They seemed completely oblivious to me as they fished beneath the floating weed and squabbed together. The various pants, coughs and squeaks they made was amazing, incredable noisy creatures. After a few minutes they disappeared behind a bramble bush, only to emerge again with a third cub. They then carried on up the ditch towards me and under the bridge I was standing on, at one point the smallest cub was within five-feet of me! Eventually they swam out of sight, although there snorts and chattering where still to be heard.