You’ve probably all noticed that we’re closing down our Ynys-hir and Lake Vyrnwy facebook pages and we have set up a new ‘RSPB Mid Wales’ page.

We understand that some of you will be disappointed to see these pages go.

Here are some questions that you might have about all this change...


Why haven’t you just changed the page name?

Unfortunately Facebook doesn’t allow us to change the name of the page unless you have less than 200 fans. Therefore, we’ve set up some new pages

What will happen to all my photos on this page?

Please feel free to add your photos to our new pages – we’d love to see them on there! Unfortunately, once this page is closed, there will be no way to access photos on this page again.

I’m only interested in what’s happening on my local reserve

Our new structure will allow you to continue to receive all the latest news from Ynys-hir and Lake Vyrnwy. It will also allow us to share news of other interesting stuff happening in your wider area.

We don’t want you to miss out on news from your favourite places, so this new page will enable us to keep you fully up-to-date without you having to follow lots of different RSPB pages.

When will this page close?

The RSPB Ynys-hir and RSPB Lake Vyrnwy pages will be closed within two months – please become a fan of RSPB Mid Wales before then.

Thanks again for all your support and for following us for this long, please continue to follow us on our new page, we look forward to seeing you there!

RSPB Ynys-hir and RSPB Lake Vyrnwy teams

Are you a member of the RSPB? Nature is amazing, help us keep it that way.  To join contact me on