April arrived and bought us snow at Ynys-hir, not quite the warm spring weather we were all hoping for but at least we are safe in the knowledge the weather can only get better! Despite the cold snap we do have lots of our summer migrant species returning to the reserve. The chiff-chaffs are busy singing for us, our sand martins, skylarks, swallows and willow warblers all put in an appearance mid-March and we are eagerly awaiting the return of the Ospreys.
Most of our winter visitors have left or are getting ready to leave. Our barnacle geese have all gone and the greenland whitefronted geese are getting ready for the off with just a small group of about 50 left on the reserve. So, all in all, spring is just about with us (all be it a cold one!) there are lots of birds to be seen and heard so well worth a visit. We have all the regular species as well as the summer visitors to look out for. The lesser spotted woodpecker has been heard drumming and seen by the lucky few who happen to spot it high in the tree tops. Otters have been putting in a very welcome appearance and birds of prey seen around the reserve include: hen harrier, red kite, buzzard and merlin. Our Domen Las hide is the only hide you won't be able to visit due to nesting herons and little egrets, so make sure you come wrapped up incase of bad weather but other than that, you can certainly expect a real springtime treat.
Sarah Cookson, PEO