On Sunday 18th November we are holding the first of our Volunteer Winter Work Parties.

We will be working on the nature trail, specifically in Beaumont's wood, where we will be clearing viewing areas, so people can enjoy the wildflower meadow as they walk through the woodland, The work will involve using bow-saws to cut and clear small trees and clearing old piles of brash, to open up the area, and make it more visitor friendly.

If you would like to help out, we are meeting at 10am at the Winterbourne Downs Car Park, in Newton Tony. You will need to bring along suitable work clothes, shoes/wellies, and work gloves if you have them. Although we will be providing cake, you will need to bring your own lunch and refreshments if you are staying the whole day. Please note, we cant have a fire at this work site, so sadly, no jacket potatoes this time!! We will aim to finish for 3pm, so plenty of time to get home before it gets dark.

The event is open to all, and its always good to see new faces! If you would like to come along, please let me know by emailing keeley.spate@rspb.org.uk or phoning 01980 629835

