Last week I was joined by members of the RSPB South Wiltshire Local group, for a walk around the reserve to see how the chalk grassland reversions were progressing, and to hunt for the elusive stone-curlew! We all had our fingers crossed that the rain would hold off at least until the end of the walk, but we soon felt the first few splodges of rain falling on our heads. However, sporadic bursts of rain showers were not going to dampen anyone’s enthusiasm, and undeterred we set off, determined to see some birds! When we arrived at the viewing point, we scanned the plot for signs of stone-curlew. Stone-curlew are so well camouflaged, that often they have to move before you see them, and even then, they can creep so slowly you still might miss them! And in the rain, they tend to find a sheltered corner and sit tight! This, combined with steaming up optical equipment, and rain in the eyes, made finding the birds even more challenging than usual. Luckily, we had a few pairs of keen eyes in the group, and it was not too long before we were on to a single bird, and then a second. The wind and rain meant the chicks were nowhere to be seen, but we knew that they were safely tucked underneath their mother, nice and dry and snug. Everyone got a look at least one of the birds, and so went home happy, if not a little damp.

