RSPB Downland Discovery Day

Saturday 17 August 2013, 09:30-16:30

Winterbourne Downs carpark, Newton Toney, Wiltshire, SP4 0HE

Free event...donations welcome


Come and join us at the RSPB’s nature reserve in Wiltshire to discover more about our beautiful downlands. The day will include family crafts and activities, a programme of guided wildlife walks, a chance to discover all about our work in the area and bring the family for a picnic in our beautiful butterfly-filled wildflower meadows.


Programme for the day: (no need to book, just turn up and enjoy)


10:00     Reserve Management Walk

11:00     Wildflower Walk

12:00     Butterfly Walk

13:00     Wildflower Walk

14:00     Butterfly Walk

15:00     Reserve Management Walk


There will also be a chance to look for the elusive stone-curlew, see some of the reserve's moth species, decorate bird boxes, and get touchy feely with a range of hands on activities


So bring along your picnic to enjoy in the chalk grassland meadow, while the butterflies flutter and the bees buzz...


