On Wednesday 29th May we are holding a very special event - Creatures of the Night!

We will be meeting at the reserve at 8pm for what we hope will be an evening full of surprises! As the sun starts to set, we will take a walk around the reserve. At this time of day stone-curlew become active and very vocal - hopefully we will hear their eerie call. We have roe deer, barn owl, brown hare and bats too, so who knows what we will bump in to! We will also have a moth trap on the go which will be ready to investigate at the end of the walk. Don't forget to bring a torch and warm clothes.

To find out more or to book your place on this event please contact the warden on: 01980 629835 or email keeley.spate@rspb.org.uk

Click on the link below to find see the event poster!



  • It was nice to see the Stone Curlews with their chicks in the setting sun. The wild flower meadow looks promising for the coming weeks. The stroll along the old railway line under the natural canopy was the highlight. Lots of bats, small and LARGE. Surprise of the night was coming face to face with a badger!! Who was more more surprised? The moth trap produced limited results. Also spotted was the orbiting space station passing direclty overhead as it reflected the setting sun.

  • It was nice to see the Stone Curlews with their chicks in the setting sun. The wild flower meadow looks promising for the coming weeks. The stroll along the old railway line under the natural canopy was the highlight. Lots of bats, small and LARGE. Surprise of the night was coming face to face with a badger!! Who was more more surprised? The moth trap produced limited results. Also spotted was the orbiting space station passing direclty overhead as it reflected the setting sun.

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