Stone-curlews are having a tricky season with an unfortunate number of nest failures this year, but the second broods are appearing and we keep are fingers crossed for a few fledges chicks yet for the season.  10 pairs of lapwing have nested, with most producing chicks but at yet we have not been able to prove fledging. Corn buntings are holding at least 5 territories and we have regular observations of grey partridge in at least 3 locations.We have had a good year for small tortoiseshells and marbled white butterflies and even hummingbird hawkmoths nectaring in our new chalk grasslands. Most notable has been the hundreds of small blue butterflies on the wing, with some over 2km away from the original colony. It has especially rewarding to see them on the new chalk butterfly banks. Orchids too have been on the march with green-winged, common-spotted and pyramidal orchid seen this year in 4 fields that were previously in crop production.