We have finally managed to hit 20 degrees at Radipole Lake!  Today has been glorious, blue skies and no clouds to be seen.  The Daffodils in front of our Discovery Centre Marsh Harrier has been replaced with the summery Red Valerian.

Discovery Centre

Up at the new Viewing Shelter, the reserve cattle had made their way over to the island and had sprawled out over the grass to make the most of the cool breeze. The Mallard ducks were enjoying an afternoon snooze in the shade.

Cattle on  Island

The hedgerows are coming alive with early summer colour.  The Yellow Flag Irises are at their best blooming over the wetter parts of the reserve.

Yellow Flag Iris

The Meadow and Creeping Buttercups together with the Meadow Cranesbills is providing the reserve paths with welcome splashes of yellow and purple.

Buttercups and Cranesbills

The Guelder Rose is in full bloom with its large lacy white flowers.  It is sometimes known as the 'wedding cake' tree.

Guelder Rose

We know early summer has definitely arrived when our Southern Marsh Orchids start appearing in the damper hedgerows around the reserve. I counted 14 plants on my way down to the new Viewing Shelter with more to come.

Southern Marsh Orchids

The warm sunshine has brought out the butterflies with Brimstone, Common Blue, Small White and Speckled Woods flittering about among the flowers. Not as many as usual because of the welcome cool breeze blowing today.

Speckled Wood

Photo Credit: Martin Jones-Gill

Birds sightings today include magnificent views of the femaie Marsh Harrier in front of the Discovery Centre and the Hooded Merganser was also delighting visitors. Bearded Tits have been seen in abundance in the reed beds, a group of 30 was seen yesterday and a Hobby made a flying visit.  Little Egrets have been around today with a peak of 9 birds counted.

For all the latest sightings, contact Radipole Lake Discovery Centre, details below or pop in and see us. Hot and cold refreshments, sandwiches and snacks available.

Telephone: 01305 778313

