A glorious day down here at Radipole Lake. A welcome change after yesterday's gusty winds. The sunshine has brought out the Daffodils near the Discovery Centre entrance bringing a splash of spring colour.

Daffodils Outside Discovery Centre

The sunshine also brought a steady stream of visitors to the Discovery Centre, one visitor reporting a Bittern and a Bullfinch sightings at 10:00 a.m. this morning. Another visitor pointed out the two Mediterranean Gulls on the island in front of the Centre window, both in full breeding plumage.  Other species about included the Shelducks, Shoveler, Teal and Gadwall.

Marsh Harrier

Marsh Harrier - Photo credit RSPB Radipole Lake Volunteer Martin Jones-Gill

Up on the Buddleia Loop visitors watched the Marsh Harriers over the reedbeds and the Hooded Merganser among the Tufted Ducks. There were also a group of 8 Pochard on the river with Little Grebes. Several Goldfinches were seen feeding on the Alder catkins and Cetti's Warblers were chirping in the reedbeds. The warm weather also brought out butterflies, most likely to be Red Admirals.

Discovery Centre in the Sunshine

For the latest sightings, contact Radipole Lake Discovery Centre, details below or pop in and see us. Hot and cold refreshments, sandwiches and snacks available.

Telephone: 01305 778313

