As alluded to in an earlier post, we once again have Andy Yeatman of Alaska Environmental and his slew back on site to add a few post restoration flourishes to Radipole. The third and final fish fence has been added to keep the new waterways carp free (and thus less turbid and better for macrophytic vegetation) and add foot drains to the ‘New Meadow’.

The meadow in question was, until a couple of years ago, a fairly unproductive dry reedbed which - after consultation with our ecologists and Natural England advisers –  we decided to convert into wet pasture. A huge amount of scrub was removed over two winters, reed controlled mechanically and grazed throughout the past few summers with the aim to make the area more suitable for waders and wildfowl.

Last winter Andy excavated the root plates of several large Willow to create a number of shallow pools (above) and he is currently adding three foot drains which are already proving a hit with snipe. It is hoped that snipe will be suitable impressed by these alterations and remain to breed.


One of the three snaky, sinuous ditches added to the new meadow. This aptly illustrates the finesse and artistry which Andy applies to his slew work - countless examples of which now dot the reserves.