After an anxious wait 30 common terns have returned to Lodmoor recently on the tern islands but are having difficulty settling. These graceful white birds with black caps arrived in the UK from South and West Africa, a reminder that summer is on its way. Its fantastic watching them diving into the water to catch small fish and insects from the waters surface. Interestingly there is a lone arctic tern with them again and we are pretty sure it’s the same one as has been hanging out with them for the last 4-5 years. Lets hope that they do settle down and nest successfully this year.

Common tern. Photo credit: Allan Neilson


On the marsh harrier front there are nests on both Radipole and Lodmoor again which is superb but its the males which are causing the wow factor at the moment with their aerial battles and territorial disputes. Come and see the excitement!


Upcoming Events

Mon 26 May        Reptile Day at Wild Weymouth Discovery Centre                   10 am–3 pm

Dorset is the best county in the UK for reptiles; you can find all 6 of our native reptiles within its borders. Can you name them all? Join us at Radipole Lake to learn about the scaly side of the reserve. There will be regular show and tells throughout the day, on the hour every hour (first at 11am and the last at 3pm). Free – no booking required. Info: 01305 778313.

Fri 13 June       Nightjar Walk at Hardy Monument                                            9.30-11.30 pm

Many people have heard the eerie sound of the nightjars call without even realising it. It is one of the most commonly used sound-effects in the film industry. Why not join the RSPB for a summer evening walk at Hardy Monument where these weird and wonderful birds breed. If we find them its a sound that you’ll never forget. Meet at Dorset County Council car park just below Hardy Monument. £6 Non RSPB members, £4 RSPB members, £3 children and WEX members Free. Booking required on 01305 778313.