We are very pleased to inform our visitors that the Discovery Centre has now re-opened! Our staff and volunteers are looking forward to welcoming you back.


The Discovery Centre Opening times are Fridays and Saturdays from 10:00am to 4:00pm for: reserve information, refreshments are available to purchase, recent sightings information, family activities (activity backpacks, free activity sheets, duck food to purchase. Pond dipping activities will be returning very soon!)

A full programme of activities and events will be available throughout the year. 

Upcoming events:

Nature Tots:

1 hour session for parents to bring their 2.5-5 years olds, last Wednesday of every month starting this month - 10-11am 26th Jan. Tickets £5 per child, here's the link for this month's tickets: RSPB Events 

Wild Weekends:

First Saturday of the month starting in March (Sat 5th Feb from 10am-1pm). A free morning of fun nature/seasonally-themed activities. More info coming very soon.

The Big Garden Birdwatch takes place from Friday 28 to Sunday 30 January 2022.  Simply count the birds you seen in your garden, from your balcony or in your local park for one hour.  Further information is available on: https://www.rspb.org.uk/get-involved/activities/birdwatch/

Hire a Guide:

Bespoke 2-3 hour guided walks with a knowledgeable guide. More info on prices and where to book coming very soon.

Introduction to Radipole Lake and Introduction to Lodmoor:

Weekly guided walks at both sites, more info on prices and where to book coming very soon.

 Radipole Lake Viewing Shelter


School visits:

The RSPB Weymouth Team are inviting schools to visit our nature reserves - we are able to offer a limited number of FREE school visits which are available throughout the year. If you are a parent of school-aged children or know of anyone who might like to bring the classroom outside and explore our reserves, then please share this wonderful news with your school community. To schools/teachers - if you would like more information, please contact us on weymouth.reserves@rspb.org.uk We look forward to hearing from you.

For all the latest sightings contact Radipole Lake Discovery Centre, details below or pop in and see us on Fridays or Saturdays for a chat with one of our lovely staff or volunteers. Hot and cold refreshments and ice creams are available. Card payments only.

Telephone: 01305 778313

Email: weymouth.reserves@rspb.org.uk

Website: www.rspb.org.uk/radipolelake 

Follow us on Twitter @RSPBweymouth and on Facebook @RSPBWeymouthWetlands

Camera Laura Pringle and Naomi Bailey