Alexanders by the Discovery Centre

It was warm and sunny this morning at Radipole Lake and spring is starting to emerge all over the reserve.

Flowers - Alexanders is in flower outside the Discovery Centre, Lesser Celandine, Primroses, Garden Bluebell, Violets are in bloom around the reserve.  Blackthorn is coming into flower and one Hawthorn on Radipole is in full leaf with flower buds which are starting to open in the warm sunshine.  Alder catkins are now in flower. 

Spoonbills at Lodmoor

Birds - water levels have remained steady on Radipole and the damaged sluice gate at Lodmoor has been temporarily repaired leading to more normal but still high levels.

There have been fewer wader sightings than usual, although several Spoonbills have made a long stay on Lodmoor and the Oystercatchers appear to be settling in.  At the beginning of March a Bittern was observed making a "departure flight" at dusk, calling and circling to a height before heading away.  They  sometimes do this several times before finally departing.

(Photo Credit: Spoonbills at Lodmoor by Stephanie Calvert)

Marsh Harrier

Marsh Harriers continue to be seen on both reserves on most days.  A pair of stonechats were seen at Radipole today.  Bearded Tit sightings have been in short supply.  The alders near the semi-circular boardwalk have been the regular place to see Siskins often with an attendant Redpoll. Some species have started their breeding displays including the Great Crested Grebes on Radipole. Early migrant sightings include Willow Warbler, Swallow and Sand Martin.  

(Photo Credit: Marsh Harrier at Radipole Lake by Allan Nielsen).

Small Tortoiseshell
- butterfly sightings include Red Admiral, Peacock, Small Tortoiseshell and Large Cabbage White. A buff tailed bumble bee was seen this morning.

Mammals - otter traces have continued to be seen around Radipole and a possible sighting was reported from Lodmoor at the beginning of March.

Frog SpawnReptiles and Amphibians - frog spawn has been reported from Radipole.

For more information on any of the above, contact Radipole Lake Discovery Centre or pop in and see us. Hot and cold refreshments and snacks available.

Telephone: 01305 778313