Congratulations to Steve Carey who has the honour of being the winner of photo of the month for September!
His picture of the Red backed Shrike shows this scarce species in all its glory. Shrikes are carnivorous birds eating insects, small mammals and lizards. This bird is seen here eating a wasp which appears to be its favourite food over at Lodmoor along with Red Admiral Butterflies. This bird’s appearance coincided with the news that two pairs bred in Devon this summer producing 7 young which is a huge boost for this species in the UK. Its a very rare breeder though hopefully it will become more common in the coming years.
The bird has now moved on but I have no doubt another rarity is just around the corner.
Many thanks to everyone whose uploaded photo’s onto our gallery. Keep it up!
A fitting 'Photo of the Month' but will we have to wait until the next monthly competition before we have another blog letting us know what's happening round our reserves!? Surely one of our budding photographers of the year has some interesting shots to comment on in this exciting migratory period? A blog a day would be good!
Seize the day!