Good news from Radipole! For the 8th year running our resident Marsh Harriers have successfully nested, and the three youngsters were seen in flight yesterday with mum and dad in attendance. So you could potentially see 5 of these magnificent birds of prey, right here in the centre of Weymouth.

Juvenile Marsh Harrier 2011

To help a bit I have posted a couple of pictures, one of a juvenile from 2011, note the creamy orange head, and one of the breeding pair (again from 2011), note the female is larger than the male.

Female and Male Marsh Harrier

Were all really excited about this, and are hoping for further good news, as there are a pair of harriers nesting at Lodmoor as well. Now is the perfect time to come to Radipole and take a walk up to North Hide (open between 8.30 and 4.30 every day), which is currently the best place to look for the new arrivals. But don't delay, because they won't stay around for long.

Scarlet Tiger Moth

Now is the prime time to see Scarlet Tiger Moths, one of our more striking invertebrates, two were seen on Radipole this morning. Their glossy black fore-wings with blobs of white and yellow and their scarlet hind wings make them easily identifiable at rest.  Their strong presence on the reserves is due to the profusion of their caterpillar's food plants - Comfrey, Hemp Agrimony, Nettle, Bramble, Meadowsweet and Sallow - most of which thrive here due to careful management on the verges and elsewhere.

Ophyrs apifera var. atrofuscus

Today's photo of our Brown Bee Orchid. The count so far is 5 Bee Orchids including the Brown Bee and 28 Southern Marsh Orchids.

For more information on the Marsh Harriers and for the orchid locations, contact Radipole Lake Discovery Centre, details below,  or pop in and see us. Hot and cold refreshments, snacks and ice creams available.

Telephone: 01305 778313