Marsh HarriersNow is a good time to come to Radipole Lake and Lodmoor to see our resident Marsh Harriers. Both pairs have successfully bred this year with 3 juveniles each so potentially we can see 10 Marsh Harriers on the wing. There were very good views of the Harriers in front of the North Hide lunchtime calling to their juveniles. At times the Harriers were flying very close to the hide providing a spectacular sight. This photo is one that Allan Nielson took in 2011.

It is one of our quieter times for birds but there are Common Terns, Oystercatchers, Common Sandpipers, Little Egrets Swifts and House Martins about. The Cetti's and Reed Warblers continue to be noisy in the reedbeds and Bearded Tits are commonly being seen. Many of our ducks including the Hooded Merganser are now in eclipse plumage. 

The hedgerows are becoming very colorful with Purple Loosestrife, Hemp Agrimony, Ribbed Melilot, Perforate St John's Wort to name but a few of our wildflowers.  Today I counted 20 Pyramidal Orchids now blooming near the Kingfisher Gate. Butterflies and Dragonflies are becoming more plentiful.

For the latest sightings, contact Radipole Lake Discovery Centre, details below, or pop in and see us. Hot and cold refreshments, snacks and ice creams available.

Telephone: 01305 778313

I am away now for the next 2 week, I hope to update the blog at the end of July.