Well, there is probably a mixture of boys and girls but they will certainly end up wearing blue.  Yesterday visitors were reporting an increase in Kingfisher activity which either means something catastrophic had happened or the eggs had hatched. Thankfully we think it’s the latter as the birds have been seen going in and out of the burrow plenty of times today though people were struggling to see if they were carrying food. As I said in the last blog post, they will be feeding very small items of food first as the chicks would be pretty tiny but they’ll grow very quickly and will probably be fledging in about three weeks. Which means if you really want to see Kingfishers then the next couple of weeks are your prime chance! We’ll obviously be posting regularly to update you on Radipole newest breeding species plus you can get up to the minute news on our twitter page – www.twitter.com/rspbweymouth

Also thought I’d better mention that the hide is open from 8:30 every morning and is closed at 4:30.