Back in 1976:

  • The UK was basking in a heatwave peaking at 35.9°C (96.6°F), parts of South West England had no rain in July and August for 45 days
  • Team GB competed in the Winter Olympics in Innsbruck, Austria winning 1 gold medal (John Curry, ice skater, becomes Britain's first gold medalist)
  • Team GB competed in the Summer Olympics in Montreal, Canada winning 3 gold, 5 silver and 5 bronze medals
  • Southampton FC won the FA Cup
  • Anita Roddick opened the first Body Shop in Brighton
  • The RSPB's newest reserve, Radipole Lake was leased from Weymouth Council

Yes folks!  40 years ago this year Radipole Lake became the RSPB's latest addition! A birthday party was held in the Discovery Centre in Radipole Lake's honour to celebrate, attended by RSPB staff and volunteers.

Radipole Lake's 40th Birthday Cake

Photo Credit: David Morphew

The fabulous birthday cake was made by Marion Podsiches of Marion Bakes. Marion supplies all our Discovery Centre cakes as well as supplying local cafes and businesses in Weymouth.

Radipole Lakes' Birthday Party in full swingTwo Familiar Faces

The party is in full swing and a visit from Michelle Trafford, former Discovery Centre Manager, here having a celebratory drink and catching up on the latest news with centre staff, Dan Bartlett.

Dan introducing the new South West Regional Director

Dan enthusiastically introducing Nick Bruce-White, RSPB's South West Regional Director to the party goers.

Nick Bruce-White, RSPB South West Regional Director

Nick saying a few words about Radipole Lake's successes over the past 40 years and more recent achievements. The key highlights from Nick's message are below:

Visitor statistics – since re-developing the Visitor Centre into its current form as a Discovery Centre with a small catering offer in 2012;

  • Visitor numbers have increased year on year
  • We are bringing in huge numbers of nature connections, more than any other reserve in the southwest and have already just surpassed our target for this financial year
  • Income from the catering offer, duck food sales and events income has been increasing year on year and are on target to improve again this year.
  • Due to having no dedicated catering staff we have the highest percentage of profit of any RSPB catering offer in the UK 
  • We are successfully delivering several groundbreaking new projects –leading the way  in nature and health connections by leading regular health walks, and dementia friendly activities. Plus our new toddler group is going well so we provide sound nature connection right across the spectrum of visitors.

Wildlife highlights:

  • Breeding Marsh Harriers consistently at Lodmoor and Radipole since 2009, often with pairs on both sites in the same years. 
  • Breeding otters at Radipole with the animals known to have been present from at least 2007 onwards. We currently have a very obliging family of them doing the rounds this summer, with many visitors spotting them.
  • No breeding Bitterns yet, but booming males regularly at Lodmoor in recent springs, and occasionally at Radipole. The wintering population remains small but stable.
  • Breeding warblers including  Cettis, Reed, Sedge, Whitethroat, Lesser Whitethroat etc, stable breeding populations of Bearded Tits & Reed Bunting, again on both sites. Also breeding duck species including in recent years increasing records of Pochard & Tufted Duck
  • A Common Tern colony at Lodmoor since 1996, which has had a lot of breeding success. The colony has struggled in recent years however, but had a marginally better year this year.
  • Our much loved, resident Hooded Merganser, who has been living here for 9 years.
  • The discovery of Natusius Pipistrelle at Radipole, a mega rare bat for the UK.
  • The discovery, on both reserves by our volunteer survey team, of a spider species Hyposinga heri. This species was thought to be extinct in the UK, with the last known sighting at Wicken Fen in the 1900’s.
  • The arrival of rare plant species including Ophrys apifera var. Atrofuscus Bee Orchid, aka the Brown Bee in 2008 and Rumex maritimus Golden Dock, a Dorset rare dock last recorded at Radipole in 1960 and found again in 2009.
  • As we remain mink free, Water Voles are able to thrive.
  • And a host of regular migrants in spring and summer including this year Great White Egret, Glossy Ibis, Black Winged Stilt, Red Backed Shrike, Red Kite, Hoopoe, Spoonbill and Red Rumped Swallow

 Geoff Carey, 15 years service award

Photo Credit: David Morphew

After the speech, Nick presents volunteer, Geoff Carey, with the 15 year Service Award. One of Geoff's roles has been the opening and closing of the North Hide.

Staff smiles for the cake cutting

Photo Credit: David Morphew

Next the RSPB staff assemble for the official Cutting of the Birthday Cake . Left to right: Lindsey Death - Discovery Centre Manager, Dante Munns - Dorset and Wiltshire Team Manager, Nick Bruce-White - South West Regional Director, Dan Bartlett - Visitor Experience Assistant

Nick Bruce-White cuts the cake

Photo Credit: David Morphew

Our South West Regional Director has the honour of cutting the birthday cake.

Happy 40th Birthday Radipole Lake! Folks, raise a glass of bubbly to the next 40 years!

For the latest sightings, contact Radipole Lake Discovery Centre, details below or pop in and see us. Hot and cold refreshments, snacks and ice creams available.

Telephone: 01305 778313