Well, maybe not quite that many shades. During the summer months of July and August, Radipole's hedgerows have a distinct pinky-purpley tinge to them. Below are the wild flowers you can currently see on the reserve, in their various shades of pink and purple.

Great Willowherb

Purple Loosestrife

Great Willowherb also know as Codlins-and-Cream is a tall plant and easily recognised with its large flowers and softly downy stalk and seed pods. It grows in the damper hedgerows often alongside the equally tall Purple Loosestrife with its four-sided stem

Great Willowherb and Brimstone

Great Willowherb attracts butterflies and insects, here with a Brimstone Butterfly.

 Marsh Woundwort

Marsh Woundwort is another tall plant of damp hedgerows often growing in large colonies. 

 Hemp Agrimony

Hemp Agrimony is also abundant, its dense small flower heads attract butterflies.

Spear ThistlePyramidal Orchid

Spear Thistle attracts insects with its large flowers, it is easily recognisable with its winged stems and yellow tipped spines. The Pyramidal Orchids are now starting to go over, this year's count was 18.

Red Bartsia

Red Bartsia is a much smaller plant that grows in dry places. These plants were likely to have been brought on to the reserve as seeds when the paths were re-laid.

Strawberry Clover

Strawberry Clover is much smaller than the Red Clover and easily recognisable by its seed heads which look more like raspberries. It can be found on the edge of the paths near the boardwalk down to the North Hide. This plant is often found in damp places near the sea.

Birds are quiet at the moment though we are getting large numbers of Canada Geese, Grey Herons and Coots on the lake in front of our Discovery Centre. Little Egrets are coming in close to the Centre windows offering good views. and the Mute Swan families are growing up fast. The Swifts and Swallows are still around. There was a Green Sandpiper at the North Hide. Butterflies seen in the last few days include the Painted Lady, Red Admiral, Small White and Brimstone.

For the latest sightings, contact Radipole Lake Discovery Centre, details below or pop in and see us. Hot and cold refreshments, snacks and ice creams available.

Telephone: 01305 778313

