Spring is definitely on its way. Daffodils are starting to flower around the reserve, the ones in front of the Discovery Centre Marsh Harrier providing a warm spring welcome to our visitors. Patches of dark mauve scented violets are in full bloom along our paths, the Alder trees are turning golden with their catkins, the Bay trees and a Hawthorn are coming into bud.
The Ring Neck Duck is being frequently seen most days as are the Bearded Tits and the Marsh Harriers around Radipole Lake. On 16th February 190+ Mediterranean Gulls and over a 100 Tufted Ducks were counted while over on Lodmoor, the Lesser Yellow Legs continues to be seen, over 1500 Lapwings were counted and a further 60+ Mediterranean Gulls were counted. Visitors were also rewarded with a sighting of 4 Spoonbills among the Lapwings.
The highlight this month is the return of the Penduline Tit over at Lodmoor on 19th February. It's possible that it's a different bird than the one at Radipole Lake that was around for several weeks in December and January but to date not proven. Nonetheless, it is delighting the visitors once again and is being regularly seen.
Photo Credits: Spoonbills and Penduline Tit by Edmund Mackrill
Discover RSPB Radipole Lake Walks
The walks are beginning again on the 14th March and continue the second Thursday of every month and is a great way to discover nature in the heart of town. A guide will give you an in depth look at RSPB Radipole Lake to see what lives here. No need to book, just turn up at the Discovery Centre, loan binoculars available. Starts at 10:00 to midday, £2 per person, meet at the Discovery Centre.
Wellbeing Reed Bed Walk
These walks are beginning again on 7th March and continue on the first and third Thursday of every month. A great chance to make new friends or get to know Radipole Lake and find some calm in your day. This walk is dementia friendly and particularly suitable for anyone wishing to lose weight, recovering from illness or wanting to improve their mental health and wellbeing. Starts at 11:00 to midday, meet at the Discovery Centre.
For more information and all the latest sightings, contact Radipole Lake Discovery Centre, details below or pop in and see us. Hot and cold refreshments and snacks available.
Telephone: 01305 778313
Email: Weymouth.reserves@rspb.org.uk
Website: www.rspb.org./radipolelake