Cow ParsleyIt's a grey day at Radipole but spring is on its way. I found this Cow Parsley this morning in bloom, normally their flowering time is May but the leaves are up in December. I also saw the early signs of Lords and Ladies, Comfrey, Willow and Blackthorn coming into flower as well as the reserve's Bay Trees confirming that spring is on the move. Birds today include Pochard, Gadwall and Shoveler while the Spoonbills are still at Lodmoor

Easter is nearly upon us! The staff at the Discovery Centre have organised some Easter Fun over the holidays. As you can see I found the Centre's Easter Egg stash ready for the Easter Egg Trail.

Easter Eggs

Easter Egg Nature Trail

Friday March 25th to Monday 28th March

10:00 to 16:00 p.m. each day.

Join us over the Easter Weekend to follow the clues to our nature trail. Find hidden signs around the reserve and complete the challenge to receive an Easter Egg! 

Pick up the trails from the Discovery Centre.

£1 per child


Easter Welly Walks

Wednesday 30th March, Friday 1st April & Tuesday 5th April

11:00 -12:00 at Radipole Lake

Join us for a FREE family friendly wildlife walk. Wear wellies for jumping in puddles & buy some duck food to feed the birds.


For more information on any of the above, contact Radipole Lake Discovery Centre or pop in and see us. Hot and cold refreshments and snacks available.

Telephone: 01305 778313