Feeling creative? Want to express your love of nature through photography? We'd love you to enter our fun competition - you MUST use a camera phone to take the photo and it MUST be taken at RSPB Radipole Lake or RSPB Lodmoor in Weymouth.  Have fun!

Enter in the over 16 or under 16 age group.

Enter up to 10 images per person in any of our 3 categories:

  • Wildlife
  • People in Nature
  • Celebrating Habitats (landscape/abstract)

DEADLINE: Tuesday 30th May 2017

The winners will be announced on the 31st May and the winning pictures will be displayed on Facebook, as well as in the Radipole Lake Discovery Centre.

Please email your entries to becky.spencer@rspb.org.uk and title your email 'Photography Competition,' also let us know which categories you are entering and if you are under or over 16.

**RSPB Weymouth Wetlands will have the right to use any photo entries in future promotions including Facebook, Twitter and print.  Please ensure that if people feature in your entry, you have their permission and  you consent to us using your images for RSPB purposes in the future**