Like last Friday, it is a dull wet day at Radipole Lake.  From the Discovery Centre though, many Swallows and House Martins are darting across the lake. Two Little Egrets landed at the far end of the reed bed, a Water Rail was pottering among the reeds near the Coot which was sitting on her nest in front of the Discovery Centre window, and a lone Bearded Tit offered spectacular views as it was feeding.  An Oystercatcher and Black Tailed Godwits had been seen earlier in the morning before the rain set in.  A local resident and supporter of the RSPB reported this morning that she had seen an Otter by the concrete bridge at 7:00 pm on Monday evening.

Last Sunday we welcomed the Poole and Bournemouth Nature and Wildlife Group (PBNWG) on their first visit to Radipole Lake. Lynne Burningham, RSPB Information and Membership Officer, kindly agreed to act as Guide for the morning. It was a brilliant day of sunshine and blue skies and the reed-beds were alive with the sound of Cetti's Warblers.  During the walk, several Cetti's were actually seen and member, John Bryan, managed to get a snap along with a Bearded Tit.

 Cetti's WarblerBearded Tit

Photo Credits: John Bryan - PBNWG

A lone Common Sandpiper was seen along with many good views of Reed Buntings, Black Caps, Reed Warblers, Sedge Warblers and Chiff Chaffs many of them singing loudly. A Little Egret, Little Grebe and a single Wheatear was seen from the North Hide.



Photo Credits: John Bryan 

Other birds seen around the reserve were Goldfinches and a Robin. The Cuckoo Flower is now starting to bloom and there are several large patches of Marsh Marigold making a welcome splash of colour in the hedgerows.

Marsh Harrier

Marsh Harrier

Photo Credits: John Taylor - PBNWG 

One of the highlights of the day was spectacular views of the Marsh Harrier soaring over the reedbeds, superb photos captured by member John Taylor.

Hooded MerganserGreat Crested Grebe

Photo Credits: John Bryan and John Taylor - PBNWG

The Hooded Merganser was doing his display among the Tufted Ducks and Great Crested Grebes were also present.

Herring Gull in Flight

Photo Credit: Richard C - PBNWG

Another member, Richard C, captured this Herring Gull in flight. After an amazing morning walk, the group retired to the Discovery Centre for some well-earned refreshments. All agreed, that for an urban reserve Radipole Lake has a lot of wonderful things to offer!

Thank you Lynne for a fabulous guided walk and for sharing your enthusiasm and knowledge!  

For recent sightings and further more information, contact the Radipole Lake Discovery Centre or pop in and see us. Hot and cold refreshments and snacks available,

Telephone: 01305 778313

