We often get wintering Bitterns at Radipole Lake and this year is no exception. We've had a bittern seen on and off since last November but today we appear to have two!! I am not sure why but the Bittern(s) have been rather active this morning, flying around the reserve presumably looking for good fishing spots. Due to this activity we able to watch and pin point where they were flying to and from. Whilst one bittern was in the reeds to the left of the visitor centre, another bittern flew from the north end.

We also have a bittern at Lodmoor, which is only a few miles away from Radipole, so we are all waiting to see if someone sees a bittern there today. We could possibly have three Bitterns on our Weymouth Nature reserves! How great is that!

We'll keep you updated if we get further sightings over the next few days and hopefully confirm our suspicions.


  • There have been a number of decent bittern sighting this past week on both Weymouth Reserves - almost inevitably however, not by me! All that changed a few moments ago as, while distractedly gazing over Radipole from our office window during a brief telephone conversation, when I saw bittern - not once but twice!