Water, water everywhere......was the theme for the day on Saturday February 19.  Apologies to S T Coleridge, and assurances that there were NO ancient mariners there on the day, but it couldn't have been much wetter as representatives of several of the yacht clubs landed on Wallasea Island to learn about the Wild Coast Project.

Members of Brandy Hole Yacht Club, Essex Marina YC, Royal Corinthian YC, Royal Burnham YC, Burnham Sailing Club, Crouch Yacht Club and North Fambridge YC all donned their weatherproofs and gritted their teeth to face the elements and see a different view of the island from that which they are used to.  Having squeezed everyone into our portacabin for refreshments, we explained the main aim of the project and answered everyone's burning questions about some of the details.  However, we couldn't stay dry all morning, so soon everyone was taken out on a tour of the main viewpoints of the island to see for themselves the blank canvas that will soon become a construction site.( see the gallery for soggy proof!)

Many of our visitors had not seen the land side of the seawalls, and voiced alarm at how low the inner land levels were.  It is obvious to all, that should this project not have gone ahead, the consequences of an unmanaged flooding would be disastrous.  Our 'managed realignment' scheme, will not only provide a pleasant place for people and incredible habitat for wildlife, but will be a form of coastal flood defense that works with nature and absorbs the impact of high tides and powerful wave surges that could otherwise cause widespread flooding.

Those of you who have read previous blogs, will know we are planning a Wild Coast Paddle in May, for kayak and canoe enthusiasts.  This event will be the first in what we hope will be regular wallasea events for those 'afloat' in various craft.  Discussions are ongoing with the local clubs, but we hope to be able to announce more soon. If anyone has ideas, we'd love to hear from them too. For other, drier events, keep an eye on our events pages or be the first to know by joining the mailing list.

I've gone wild on Wallasea!