We've had a lot of welcome visitors over the last year, including local MPs and councillors,various local press and radio stations, environmentalists, researchers,local businesses, students and school pupils and representatives from various parts of the tourist trade to name but a few.  However, possibly the most exciting visitors for many of us are the huge flocks of Brent geese that are filling the vast skies and marshland round Wallasea at the moment.
On a calm, wintery morning, with snow gently thawing and watery sun trying to break through the clouds, that unmistakeable croaking sound of geese flying overhead never fails to stir the emotions.The dark-bellied brent goose is a small, very dark goose,roughly the same size as mallards.There is little contrast between black breast and muddy brown belly, but the  adults can be distinguished by their white 'collars'.  Amazingly, they travel to our shores all the way from Arctic Siberia - 2,500 miles away!
Of course, at this time of year the mudflats are full of life, with the visiting water fowl and over-wintering waders.  On a walk along the seawall at low tide  not all of these will be obvious to the naked eye, but if santa has brought you binoculars, or even better a telescope, a mass of well camouflaged little bodies can be spotted busy taking advantage of the wealthy store of food in what is often thought of as 'just mud'! The forecast cold snap may well see even more of these visitors arriving soon from colder parts of the globe.
On land sightings of predators, birds of prey taking advantage of the larder laid out for them on the island, includes marsh and hen harriers, short eared owls, peregrines, and merlins. Barn owls are also often spotted hunting the dykes and land to the west of the island in late afternoon.
If you would like to join a guided trip to see the winter wonderland on Wallasea, check out the details of our event on Sunday January 30th. Something Wild and Wonderfowl, will include an RSPB display and film show in Canewdon Community Hall, followed by a minibus trip along the road to Wallasea Island with our experts to guide you.  Spaces are sure to be booked up quickly so make sure you don't miss out - Book Now!!
May I wish all our community and readers a very happy christmas and a healthy New year.  See you again in 2011.

I've gone wild on Wallasea!