Woohoo!  Finally I've got round to being a blogger!  Still recovering from the Wild Coast Weekend - many thanks to everyone who took part or came along to encourage us.  It was really fantastic to see so many people enjoying what I now think of as 'my island'.  Apologies to everyone else in the area who would think of me as a 'blow in' !  Watch this space for exciting plans for more events in 2011.

Hot off the press is Jeff Delve's sighting of a red kite  at the wetlands.  Could it be one of the recently re-introduced birds from Northern Ireland come to visit me in my new quarters????

I've gone wild on Wallasea!

  • The pleasure was all ours, it was a fantastic little event, well run with something for everybody, the beer tent and hog roast were a master stroke and certainly got the thumbs up from those people I spoke to who all enjoyed not only getting onto the reserve but also being able to sit down compare notes and socialise with like minded people afterwards, looking forward to getting back out on to the Island on sunday to see what's about.

    Growing up, my Mum always claimed to feel bad when a bird would slam head-first into our living room window. If she "really" felt bad, though, she'd have moved the bird feeder outside.

  • The pleasure was all ours, it was a fantastic little event, well run with something for everybody, the beer tent and hog roast were a master stroke and certainly got the thumbs up from those people I spoke to who all enjoyed not only getting onto the reserve but also being able to sit down compare notes and socialise with like minded people afterwards, looking forward to getting back out on to the Island on sunday to see what's about.

    Growing up, my Mum always claimed to feel bad when a bird would slam head-first into our living room window. If she "really" felt bad, though, she'd have moved the bird feeder outside.

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