Christmas came early for a local photography student this week.  Oliver Creamer, from Southend, was recently selected as our young champion for the 2020 Vision project and this week it was announced that he will be working with Terry Whittaker, an environmental photographer with a background in zoos, wildlife conservation and research. .

2020VISION is not a conservation project; In a nutshell, it is a multimedia project that communicates the link between people's well being and the restoration of natural systems. By bringing top flight visual media specialists - photographers, videographers, sound recordists - together with the scientific and conservation community they hope to create an unprecedented set of communication resources to inspire and inform a massive audience.
As you all know by now, (well I do go on a bit!) Wallasea is an inspirational place to capture images and sounds, so it will be thrilling to be one of the projects involved in this scheme.  Oliver and Terry will be collaborating to capture the essence of Wallasea Island over 20 months and we look forward to seeing the results of their efforts eventually. Watch this space for updates in the New Year.
For more information  on 2020 Vision click on

I've gone wild on Wallasea!