This weekend saw the Wombles of Wallasea change their costumes and morph into candidates for Vision ON or SMart, - depending on your age bracket.  Having cleared up rather a lot of 'junk' from the island shores two weeks ago, the recyclers were out in force again to put it to good use.  The sun shone on the righteous and we all got sunburn, as we gazed at the mountain of 'stuff'' to choose from and wondered what on earth to do with it.

Fortunately,  the Art Factory came to the rescue. These champion users of anything recyclable  came along to inspire us - and lend us their tools and know-how.  Soon we had the pile of resources spread far and wide and everyone was guarding a pile of things they wanted to build with!  The day passed in great spirits and camaraderie and slowly from the pile of bits and pieces rose a wondrous variety of , not just seating, but creative pieces of art!

Logs, milk crates, plastic drums, an old door and a perspex boat window all transformed into building materials with which to make something to sit on. These  forms will soon be positioned along the northern seawall footpath, so that weary walkers or those that simply want to sit a while may pause and take in the scenery of the Crouch Valley and the new nature reserve in the making. Who knows, it may even encourage folk to travel further, just to follow our 'art trail' and discover what Polly Styrene's Roost really looks like!

For those of you who can't get here to find out for yourselves - or those who can, but can't wait to see what we built - you can take a peek at our Flickr site and check out the pictures. Once we have the seats sited this will be updated with, hopefully, each sculptor modelling his or her own creative style!

I've gone wild on Wallasea!